Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gettin a Little Dirty

What a great day!  Off of work, spent some time with my good companion Jon Scott, who is now producing the most amount of news at work... he is up to about 12.5 hours a week.... WOW!  So basically he is in charge of making sure that the entire newscast is written and in the correct order, as well as sitting in the booth and giving everyone time cues and running the show smoothly....and to think he used to be a sports director at our last job in Lima and I had to shoot football highlights for him... times change I guess.  Anyway, we hung out and it was a good time.

I also continued working on my moped motor...well I guess began working ON it.  It was just the motor on the table before, but this afternoon I took it apart piece by piece and it actually took a lot less time than expected.  I even took into account Linda Green's Moped Coefficient:
  • 33. Anticipating the Moped Coefficient is the best way to maintain punctuality and sanity. The moped coefficient is a number somewhere between two and forty-six. To find this number: (1) Estimate how much time it will take for you to repair/modify some part of your moped. (2) Time how long it actually takes to repair/modify that part of your moped. (3) Divide the actual time by the estimated time (#2/#1). Moped coefficients less than or equal to 1 are denoted with the letter "i" because they are imaginary and do not exist in reality.
Anyway, I got it all done in a very timely fashion and had all the parts separated in about 90 minutes and it was just in time for my new parts to arrive.  I did a bare fabrication where I connect all the parts losely to make sure I am not missing any parts and it all seemed in order and I am ready to reassemble tomorrow for real... but I have to clean the engine cases because they are covered in, what Linda Green calls, "scroop" (scum + crud + goop).  I want to make sure it is all very clean before I begin to reassemble the motor. I know it will get dirty again, but might as well clean it up.

Time to get ready to watch the Ohio State basketball game... I hate to say it, but they have to lose eventually and Purdue looks to be their toughest opponent yet. I just think they need to lose before the tournament begins.  That is NOT when you want to lose your first game of the season. Go Bucks and have a good one!

Andrew Buck Michael

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