Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cold Shower Blues

Well the last three and a half days I have submitted myself to icy showers until the gas company could make it out.  I cannot come up with words to describe how cold the showers were.  Try it sometime, barely turn it on, so that NO warm water at all comes through.... But the good news is that it was turned back on this morning and I just took a GREAT shower!

I got a fun, more like horrific, story as well.  I got most of the stuff inside unpacked yesterday and Dawn wanted to help bring in the washing machine.  Everything was going pretty smooth and then it hit the spin cycle and needed to empty out the water.  Well apparently the plumbing was clogged and we had a geyser in the utility closet.  We shut off the washer as quick as possible, but by then the damage was done.... water everywhere... the sub-pump got rid of some of the standing water, but some of the new carpet got wet and we had to soak it up with towels, nightmare.... But that wasn't the start of things, earlier last evening, I did some work on the drier ventilation.  I was told to not run the dryer until the ventilation was fixed and the lint was unclogged in there too.... turns out there was very little lint in the ventilation, although the tubes weren't fastened correctly in the attic. How do I know this?  I took apart two tubes to try to look at the lint inside, when the top pipe came down through the hole in the ceiling.  Dawn and I cleaned the pipes and I crawled into the attic to properly secure the vents.... good as new.

It is always fun moving into a new place.  At least you know when you put the work into something and fix it properly, you shouldn't have to worry about it for a long time, if ever.  Today was a day for cleaning out the garage and organizing everything... now time to run a few errands before starting my workweek tomorrow, have a good one and enjoy the final episode of LOST ever tonight, with the exception for the Series Finale on Sunday night.

Andrew Buck Michael

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