Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grab the extra blanket!!

Tonight we will see a little snow move in, around 1" or less of accumulation.  Then as we head through the next couple of days we will see COLD temperatures return.  Wind chills will be near or below zero and highs in the afternoon barely able to break the 20 degree mark.  Next shot of snow not until Tuesday, but that looks like a weak system as well and not a major snow expected with it.

Had the privilege to talk to my younger sister's class at school today... It was a lot of fun testing the students on their weather skills.  We were drawing surface maps and I challenged them to draw weather station wind readings in preparation for the OAT test.  Hopefully I helped them learn a little and get them excited as well.  Drive safe on the fresh snow and have a good one!!

Andrew Buck Michael

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