Monday, November 30, 2009

Hurricane Season comes to an end.

Well today marks the end of the Hurricane Season for 2009.  A pretty quiet year, if I would say so myself....  Only eleven named storms, as you can see below...  and only three of the storms were even a Cat.  Pretty quiet year in the Atlantic, however the Eastern Pacific was twice as active as the Atlantic.   There were a lot of factors playing into the lack of storms to our east, a lot strong upper level winds, and slightly cooler than average water temperatures.

Atlantic named storms for 2009:
1Tropical Depression ONE 28-29 MAY 30 1006 -
2Tropical Storm ANA 11-17 AUG 35 -
3Hurricane-4 BILL 15-24 AUG 115 4
4Tropical Storm CLAUDETTE 16-18 AUG 45 -
5Tropical Storm DANNY 26-29 AUG 50 -
6Tropical Storm ERIKA 01-04 SEP 50 1004 -
7Hurricane-3 FRED 07-12 SEP 105 958 3
8Tropical Depression EIGHT 25-26 SEP 30 1008 -
9Tropical Storm GRACE 05-06 OCT 60 986 -
10Tropical Storm HENRI 06-08 OCT 45 1005 -
11Hurricane-2 IDA 04-10 NOV 90 2

Back home, we are keeping an eye on the storm system coming from the south, which will be arriving Wednesday into Thursday.  Yesterday the models were showing that the storms system would be bringing cooler air in sooner, and resulting in the first possibilites of accumulation snow this season.  The models have slowly been trending toward the warmer temperatures lingering a little longer, and resulting in more rain, before the initial switch over to snow.  The latest models are showing the switch over to snow overnight Wednesday night and currently showing a very light accumulation or possibly just a light dusting.  The difference between one and two degrees can mean the difference between the rain/snow transition being bumped a few hours one way or the other.... Needless to say, on the back side of this storm, we will see our coldest temperatures of the season, and making it hard to even get above freezing for Thursday and Friday.  It is a touchy system, and as always I will be on here daily with a blog update on it... Until then, take it easy and have a good one!!

25 days left!!

Andrew Buck Michael

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