Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Foggy morning.

Busy morning for me today!!  We has some pretty thick fog and actually a Dense Fog Advisory for most of the Miami Valley, mainly to the North.  Anyways, Dawn already took the day off because she has ten vacation days she has to use up before the end of the year.  So she came along with me as I did reports on the foggy conditions.  We first started out in Sidney then up to Anna were visibilities were just under a mile at both locations.  We then started heading to southern Darke County where the first delays started coming in.  Minster was on the way and things weren't very bad there, about three miles visibility. Versailles was next and visibility was about a half mile or slightly under,which was bad enough to warrant a two hour delay.  Ansonia was next, and the fog had started lifting and we had about two or three miles visibility, so we pushed on to Greenville.  It was pretty easy to see the fog lifting in Greenville, the cell phone towers could be seen for the first one hundred feet off the ground, then instantly disappeared into the cloud deck, showing how things slowly were lifting. From there we went to Arcanum, which had the worst visibilities of the morning.  It was about a quarter of a mile if not lower at times, so easily the worst conditions of the morning.  Needless to say, I was pretty tired after all of that reporting this morning, but it was a lot of fun doing reports from all the communities on the weather.

So an update on the first taste of winter we are going to get later this week.  Right now it looks like we will see a few light rain showers tonight and early tomorrow morning.  Then things will continuously be getting cooler as we head through the day tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday.  We will still see a break in the rain tomorrow afternoon, but rain should start back up on Turkey Day.  The rain on Thanksgiving will be very light and widely scattered.  By the time we head into the evening, we could see a few flurries mixing in.  By Friday morning, looking like all flurries switching to a rain/snow mix for Friday afternoon, then drying things out for the weekend.

Time to do some laundry, have a good one!!  31 days left!!

Andrew Buck Michael

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