Saturday, May 17, 2014

Lightning fire, pool open, Race for the Cure

The storms that came through late Sunday night brought a LOT of lightning and that was the cause of a condo fire on the west side of Columbus.  Luckily everyone made it out safely and so did the pets.  It is very weird seeing what is left after a fire like that.  One thing that was left... the books in the drawers.  Weird.
I continued to mock up my Magnum build.  I also tried out the new headlights I am planning on running.  I am hoping they are much more visible... need to switch the AC to DC in the current to prolong the life of the bulbs.

So this happened... Check out the video.
I went home to visit my family and I had no idea that it was Old Fashioned Days.  I didn't go, but it brought back some memories of how congested a small town can get during they annual festival.
It was very weird to drive by the location of the old elementary school to only find a big open grassy area and a small park. 
Then I went back to the farm and as I was leaving I followed a rainbow back to Columbus.

This morning I walked in the Komen Race for the Cure.  I also tried LIVE streaming the video.
Luckily we dodged the showers.  The temperatures just above the surface are so cold that there was a LOT of hail in a few of the stronger showers.  This hail was on my patio for about an hour and look at what was still there when I got home!
Expect a frosty night tonight.  The rain showers will clear out tonight and that will lead to clearing and allowing frost and fog to form overnight.  Might be a good idea to cover any tender plants. 

Plenty of sun for later Sunday and we slowly warm back up.  Mid 60's Sunday then more sun and low 70's Monday.  Tuesday could bring a few light showers with temperatures pushing the upper 70's.  Wednesday has the potential for a few strong storms and highs in the low to mid 80's.  Then we cool off a little for the end of the week.  Have a good one!

Andrew Buck Michael

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