Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Weekend With Buckeye

 (Picture is high resolution, just click on it)
Dawn is in Cleveland getting fitted for her dress... which leaves me riding mopeds, working on mopeds, and hanging out with Buckeye. He is one of the most chill dogs I have met... that may be because of his lack of vision, but he loves to just chill. I usually bring him out into the garage with me and we work on mopeds together. He likes to wonder out the garage door, on a leash, and soak in the rays, but if it is rainy I normally just keep the garage door shut. Regardless, he loves to be in the garage sitting on the carpet by the stoop just turning his head at me as I talk to myself working away...

I worked on my moped brakes this morning. I have tried a lot of different things to try and help me stop better, but nothing worked. I think I may need to take the wheel hub to a machine shop and try to get it re-lined. The good news is that our decal logos for the DAM Riders, Dayton Area Moped Riders arrived. I put them out my headlights and a few of the other guys started using theirs as well. I like it a lot. Brandon thought the fist was like a mound of dirt...dam, and we liked the spark plug wrench, so I added that to the image as well. We are really starting to get more and more people involved and it is a great feeling to ride with a group...not that riding alone isn't fun.

More showers and maybe even a few storms will remain around the area tonight and early tomorrow. The second half of Mother's Day looks to try out a little bit and turn partly cloudy. Monday looks great and then more rain for Tuesday and Thursday. There is a slight chance Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, but it looks very isolated for now. Temps will get into the upper 70's if not 80 for the middle of the week and humidity will be creeping up as well. We hardly ever have spring in Ohio... skips right from winter to summer... oh well, I will take it...that and more sunshine. Have a good one!

Andrew Buck Michael

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