Thursday, May 9, 2013

Filling in...

I love days when I get to do the weather and I have been blessed with a few extra days this week.  I am filling in for Dana Turtle this morning since he is at Cedar Point to ride roller coasters.
I also got to fill in on Tuesday for Lisa Colbert when she was filling under the weather.  Fun times with Terri Sullivan
The rest of the day Tuesday I helped breakdown the timeline for the #MircleInCLE.  I love using the interactive TV and I broke down each event over the last decade with the missing girls. 

Taking a look at the weather... Just a few isolated showers or storms for the afternoon today, but a MUCH better chance for rain on Friday as a cold front will push through Central Ohio.  Highs will be pushing 80 for today and then a little cooler Friday due to the rain.  Most of the rain will move out Saturday and then we dry out just in time for Mother`s Day on Sunday with cooler temperatures.  Next week is looking MUCH drier.  Have a good one!

Andrew Buck Michael

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