Hello from in the Ohio River! A family member recently got a condo on the Ohio River so we went down last week to relax and unplug for a couple days. It was a LOT of fun and the kids, especially Summer, loved the water. It was a warm weekend, and the water was pretty warm as well.

I actually took last weekend off of running as well! I have had some plantar fasciitis issues so wanted to let that rest some and see how I felt coming back. I did get in some miles this week and foot is feeling ok. I have to finish the Great Virtual Run Across Tennessee and then I plan on taking a break from running for a few weeks. I have some projects plants around the house.
My brother Marcus is back from Hong Kong for the summer. He had to quarantine for a couple weeks and once he did that he was free to be out and about (whatever that is nowadays). Anyway, he came up to visit Summer last week and they had a tea party in the backyard with a tea set he bought. Summer LOVED it and they chatted about fun stuff kids like to chat about.

My sister also visited for the first time since the pandemic broke. She has been at home with my parents now that she is out of college. Not many jobs out there hiring for fashion design right now, so she is enjoying a little break before starting her career. The kids loved having her visit as well. Ice cream has been a nice treat after these hot days.
It has been great being at home again. I love doing the Augmented Reality forecasts from the backyard. The gear you see is all I use when doing the forecasts from the backyard. But I wish the grass was a little greener because we NEED some rain. Not much on the way for us this weekend.

An approaching cold front will park over the region early next week and help to trigger a little more rain later Monday and Tuesday. We still stay in the 90s for the first half of next week with high humidity, so we will have decent ingredients for storms to pop. We really could use the rain and the latest drought monitor has 59% of Ohio in abnormally dry conditions and 3% of the state in moderate drought conditions. Those numbers will be going up if we don't get some good rain soon. Have a good one!
Andrew Buck Michael
Andrew Buck Michael
Just stopping in for an update. It appears your summer is going well despite the pandemic craziness. All the best from the South Coast of Ohio. ;)